These are a few of the possible things that could lead to arm injury:

1) Lifting your elbow above your throwing shoulder. This along with poor upper and lower body timing can cause the the arm to have to quickly transition or snap their arm into a position to begin arm acceleration. Doing this repetitively causes stress on throwing arm.

2) Throwing too much. The risk of elbow pain is 3.5 times greater if you throw 600 or more pitches in a single season. 

3) Poor leg and/or arm strength. With poor strength in these areas, you have to rely more on your arm itself for velocity.  
Hi again! This week I've been looking into the most common things that cause, not only Tommy John, but other common arm injuries in pitchers. There are more things than I expected that can affect serious arm injuries and surgeries. 
Shaun A
2/21/2014 01:58:02 am

This topic is very interesting, just some of the littlest things can cause this. That's scary I am glad i am not a pitcher!


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    Being a pitcher myself, I'm writing about Tommy John surgery, its effects, why it happens, and how to prevent it. Thanks for visiting my page! 


    January 2014

